Living with purpose


A purpose is using your talent in a certain way to contribute to the world. The need to have a purpose in life is relevant to everyone. Your teenagers can live a life worth living by finding a purpose and a sense of direction that will make them less likely to be lost in their lives. We teach our students to make a positive contributions to the world by transcending selfishness with purpose.

Why discovering a purpose for teens matters:

  • Teens will be able to perform highly in their lives by directing their energy to their purpose.
  • They will have a commitment to press on when they face any discouragement or obstacles in life.
  • Living a purposeful life will drive their passion and help them be more focused.
  • They will have a meaningful life.
  • They will make an impact by serving humanity, no matter how big or small.

Until purpose is discovered, existence has no meaning

Dr. Myles Munroe